Boys Tennis Results Tuesday, April 30th
Audubon At Southwest Valley
Southwest Valley 6
Audubon 1
Audubon and Southwest Valley moved their meet up on Tuesday afternoon to beat the storms. They were able to get through singles with Southwest Valley leading the match 5-1. Audubon went 22-42 in games played with Carson Matthews earning his first win as the #2 singles. Matthews won 8-2 over Owen Paul in a match he controlled. The Wheelers started quickly in nearly every match. They led 3-0 in matches with Kayden Otten and Sawyer Toft, were up 5-4 in the Lincoln Sorter match and held a 3-2 lead with Isaac Jackson. Jackson would sit out his doubles match as the Wheelers forfeited the #1 doubles match. Lincoln Sorter and Zackary Schmidt led their doubles match 4-1 when the match was called due to the weather. Sawyer Toft and Kayden Otten trailed 4-2 in their double match. The Wheelers were 6-5 in games when the match was called.
The Wheelers head to Clarinda on Thursday.
Evan Timmernan of Southwest Valley won 8-3 over Isaac Jackson of Audubon
Carson Matthews of Audubon won 8-2 over Owen Paul of Southwest Valley
Slate Goodvin Kinnaird of Southwest Valley won 8-3 over Sawyer Toft of Audubon
Parker Boswell of Southwest Valley won 8-5 over Lincoln Sorter of Audubon
Lucas James of Southwest Valley won 8-3 over Kayden Otten of Audubon
Matthew Means of Southwest Valley won 8-0 over Zackary Schmidt of Audubon
Slate Goodvin-Kinnaird and Parker Boswell of Southwest Valley led 4-2 over Sawyer Toft and Kayden Otten of Audubon when the match was called
Lincoln Sorter and Zackary Schmidt of Audubon led Lucas James and Matthew Means of Southwest Valley 4-1 when the match was called
Audubon had an injury forfeit in their match with Evan Timmerman and Owen Paul of Southwest Valley