Brincks Exteriors Sports Report: Area Girls Golf Results For Thursday


Girls Golf Results For Thursday, April 11th

South Central Calhoun at Manson NW Webster

The South Central Calhoun Titans pick up a win over Manson Northwest Webster in rainy and cold conditions Thursday. As a team, the Titans finished with a score of 227. Adlen Wheelock of South Central Calhoun was the medalist, finishing with a round of 53 on Thursday. The runner-up was Charissa Nowatzke of SCC. Nowatzke golfed a round of 55 for the Titans. Overall, SCC finished with three girls shooting in the 50s. Sophia Wuebker finished with 59 for South Central Calhoun. The conditions were unfavorable for the Titans, but they beat Manson NW Webster by almost 20 strokes. The Cougars finished with a team score of 253. The Titans are back in action on Friday against St. Edmond of Fort Dodge.

Team Standings

  1. South Central Calhoun 227
  2. Manson NW Webster 253


SCC Results

Adlen Wheelock 53    Medalist 

Charissa Nowatzke 55    Runner-Up Medalist 

Sophia Wuebker 59

Kaitlyn O’Neill 60

Mia Babcock 62

Kyra Bruns 66


Carroll vs Winterset and Bondurant-Farrar 

The Carroll Tigers finish first at a triangular in Winterset on Thursday. The Tigers finished with a team score of 212. The Tigers finished six shots in front of Bondurant-Farrar, who came in second with a score of 218. Winterset finished in third, shooting 230 as a team. Delaney Schurke of Carroll was the overall medalist, finishing with a round of 46. Lauryn Fuchs of Bondurant-Farrar was the runner-up, shooting a 50 for the Bluejays. Ella Perry finished in third overall at the meet for the Tigers with a round of 51. Emma Hoffman was third on the Carroll team, shooting a round of 56. The Tigers are back in action on next Thursday at Perry.

Team Standings

  1. Carroll 212
  2. Bondurant-Farrar 218
  3. Winterset 230


Carroll Results

Delaney Schurke 46     Medalist 

Ella Perry 51

Emma Hoffman 56

Amelia Henson 59

Morgan Roberts 63

Ayla Nagl 73


East Sac County at West Bend Mallard

The East Sac County Raiders had to golf in some rough and rainy conditions Thursday but walked away with a big win over West Bend-Mallard. The Raiders individually finished in the first six places at the meet. As a team, ESC finished with a score of 216. Sidney Bieret of East Sac County was the medalist, finishing with a round of 50. Makenna Steiger was the runner-up for the Raiders, shooting a round of 52. Brooke Burns and Sophia Villegas both shot a 57 for the Raiders. West Bend-Mallard finished with a team score of 282. The Raiders are back in action next Thursday against Pocahontas Area.

Team Standings

  1. ESC 216
  2. WBM 282


ESC Results

Sidney Bieret 50     Medalist 

Mckenna Steiger 52   Runner-Up Medalist 

Sophia Villegas 57

Brooke Burns 57

Ella Wilson 62

Kendall Quirk 62

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