Brincks Exteriors Sports Report: WIC Girls Golf Results from Wednesday


Girls Golf Results Wednesday, May 1st 

Audubon and IKM-Manning Girls At Western Iowa Conference At Nishna Hills 

IKM-Manning finished 4th in the team standings, shooting a 437 with four girls placing from 10th to 19th place. Audubon had one golfer and didn’t record a team score but received a strong performance from Mari Gleason. Treynor won the meet easily, shooting a 388 with Riverside in 2nd place with a 416 and Underwood taking 3rd with a 421. Sophi Pedersen of Treynor earned Medalist honors with an 85. Addison Brink of Riverside was Runner-Up Medalist, shooting an 86.

Ella Richards led the Wolves with a 104, shooting a 55 on the front and 49 on the back. Richards had a par on the front 9 helping her finish in 10th place. Mari Gleason shot a 107 for Audubon, shooting a 56 on the front with a 51 on the back. She had a par on the back 9. Maeve Nielsen finished with a 109 for the Wolves with a 52 on the front and a 57 on the back 9. Ryelyn Summerfield and Brooke Booth both shot a 112 for IKM-Manning.

IKM-Manning hosts Riverside on Thursday while Audubon is off until Next Friday at the Regional at River Bend.

Team Standings 

  1. Treynor 388
  2. Riverside 416
  3. Underwood 421
  4. IKM-Manning 437 
  5. LoMa 455
  6. Missouri Valley 469
  7. Tri Center 472
  8. Audubon No Team Score 


IKM-Manning Scores

Ella Richards 104                     10th Place

Maeve Nielsen 109                   15th Place

Ryelyn Summerfield 112        17th Place

Brooke Booth 112                     19th Place

Maybelin Valledares 140        39th Place


Audubon Girls 

Mari Gleason 107            13th Place









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