Brincks Exteriors Sports Report: Carroll and IKM-Manning Girls Golf Well on Tuesday


Girls Golf Results Tuesday, April 9th 

Greene County At Carroll Girls At Breda 

Carroll 210

Greene County 231


Carroll earned their second win of the season, shooting a 210 in Breda on Tuesday. They knocked off Greene County by 21 strokes with three of the five lowest scores. Delaney Schurke won Medalist with a 43, with Maya Telleen of Greene County earning Runner-Up Medalist with a 49. Amelia Henson nearly won Runner-Up Medalist, shooting a 51 with Ella Perry adding a 55 and Emma Hoffman finishing with a 61. The Tigers head to Lakeview Country Club on Thursday against Bondurant Farrar and Winterset.

Carroll Scores

Delaney Schurke 43          Medalist 

Amelia Henson 51

Ella Perry 55

Emma Hoffman 61

Morgan Roberts 69

Karleen Weitl 75



IKM-Manning and Denison Schleswig At Boyer Valley 

Denison Schleswig 217

IKM-Manning 218 

Boyer Valley 221


IKM-Manning finished second in a highly contested meet in Boyer Valley. The three teams were separated by 4 shots with Denison Schleswig earning the win with a 217, IKM-Manning was a stroke behind at 218 and Boyer Valley shot a 221. Maeve Nielsen paced the Wolves, earning Medalist honors with a 47. Emily Bahnsen of Denison Schleswig shot 50, earning Runner-Up Medalist. The Wolves were the only team to have a player in the 40’s as Denison Schleswig had four girls in the 50’s as did Boyer Valley. Ella Richards and Eryn Ramsey both shot 56’s with Ryelyn Summerfield added a 59 for the Wolves.

The Wolves are back in action on Friday in Audubon.

IKM-Manning Scores

Maeve Nielsen 47       Medalist 

Ella Richards 56

Eryn Ramsey 56

Ryelyn Summerfield 59

Maybelin Valledares 69





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