We will announce the athletes and coaches invited for Basketball and Wrestling in a couple of weeks. Below is the details for the event.
Rewind Information
- Sunday March 10th
- Carroll High School Gym
- Doors Open at 12:00
- Event Starts At 12:20
- Senior Basketball All-Star Game- Girls and Boys separate or mixed together- 20 Minutes continuous clock until the final 1:00
- Dodgeball tournament for Wrestlers- All wrestlers invited to participate- Best 2 of 3 matches
- 15- Minute Warm-Up for 3-point shooting contest
- 3-Point contest- 3 Carts, five balls, first 4 balls worth 1-point, last ball worth 5-points. Girls on one end, boys on the other, 0:45 to get off the shots. Tiebreaker is 0:30 seconds to shoot with the same scoring. Girls winner vs boys winner to overall champion. Wrestlers are allowed to participate.
- Awards Ceremony- Boys Wrestling, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Girls Wrestling