Boys Swimming Results Saturday, December 9th
Carroll At Des Moines Hoover Invite
Carroll’s outstanding start to the season continued on Saturday as they won the Des Moines Hoover Invitational, picking up nine 1st place finishes with seven in individual events and two relay events. The Tigers also won two of the three relays, taking 2nd in the other relay. Carroll added four-2nd place finishes in individual events. Brody Skarin dropped 4 seconds in his 200 IM and 3 seconds in the 100 Breast. Kyle Sundrup and Matt Machovec both dropped 2 seconds in the 100 Back.
Leegan Sease earned championships in the 100 Fly in 55.12 and the 100 Breast in 1:03.63 in individual events along with being part of the winning 200 Medley Relay with Kyle Sundrup, Sease, Ty Thomas and Teagan Renze. They swam a 1:42.25. Sease also was part of the winning 200 Free Relay along with Weston Toft, Ty Thomas and Tristan Blair. Their winning time was 1:34.88. Tristan Blair added a title in the 200 Free in 1:56.14. Teagen Renze added individual titles in the 200 IM in 2:09.68 and the 500 Free in 5:08.83. Ty Thomas won the 50 Free in 23.06. Kyle Sundrup won their other individual event, taking 1st in the 100 Back in 57.98.
Carroll took 2nd in the 100 Fly with Ty Thomas, the 100 Free with Tristan Blair, 500 Free with Landen Cadwell, 100 Breast with Brody Skarin and the 400 Free Relay with Kyle Sundrup, Tristan Blair, Weston Toft and Teagen Renze.
Team Standings
- Carroll High 426
- Boone 384
- Des Moines Hoover 300
Carroll Results
200 Medley Relay
1st Carroll 1:42.25
Kyle Sundrup, Leegan Sease, Ty Thomas, Teagen Renze
4th Carroll 2:04.62
Matt Machovec, Brody Skarin, Landen Cadwell, Jordan Wilson
200 Free
1st Tristan Blair 1:56.14
4th Weston Toft 2:10.19
6th Reef Lankford 2:20.51
200 IM
1st Teagen Renze 2:09.68
4th Landen Cadwell 2:17.71
6th Brody Skarin 2:38.15
50 Free
1st Ty Thomas 23.06
4th Kyle Sundrup 24.37
6th Jordan Wilson 27.00
100 Fly
1st Leegan Sease 55.12
2nd Ty Thomas 59.13
5th Weston Toft 1:04.14
100 Free
2nd Tristan Blair 51.79
6th Jordan Wilson 1:02.51
7th Reef Lankford 1:03.47
500 Free
1st Teagen Renze 5:08.83
2nd Landen Cadwell 5:35.77
4th Matt Machovec 6:29.42
200 Free Relay
1st Carroll 1:34.88
Weston Toft, Ty Thomas, Leegan Sease, Tristan Blair
5th Carroll 2:01.81
Reef Lankford, Rye Potts, Abe Janssen, Jordan Wilson
100 Back
1st Kyle Sundrup 57.98
7th Matt Machovec 1:17.54
9th Rye Potts 1:34.58
100 Breast
1st Leegan Sease 1:03.63
2nd Brody Skarin 1:12.38
400 Free Relay
2nd Carroll 3:32.70
Kyle Sundrup, Tristan Blair, Weston Toft, Teagan Renze
4th Carroll 4:10.97
Landen Cadwell, Reef Lankford, Matt Machovec, Brody Skarin